Tag: reptile lighting

The Care Your Pet Bearded Dragon Needs

When you first learn that you are going to be getting a pet bearded dragon you may not know what to do. After all, you may have never had any experience with these creatures and you don’t want them suddenly to become your best friend. However, you need to understand that these bearded dragons are very different from your ordinary lizards and they require a different kind of care. Understanding how to care for a bearded dragon is a little bit more involved than caring for an average pet.

have a pet bearded dragon

Pet beardies will require a significant amount of care just like any other pet. Like cats and dogs, they need to go to the vet for regular checkups. The bearded dragon is no different; they should also get vaccinations regularly. You can purchase these cards at your local pet store or over the Internet. Make sure that the bearded dragon that you get has received all of its shots before you bring it home.

Once you have your bearded dragon pets properly checked out you need to consider where you are going to have them live. You can purchase a small terrarium to house your bearded dragon if you live in an apartment or have a small space. Some owners choose to have their bearded dragons live in a mini-vapor or plastic enclosure. Bearded dragon pets are quite social animals and enjoy living in a group of like-minded individuals.

Bearded dragons are territorial, so they will want to mark their territories. You can help them understand their space by keeping pillows, mats, and water dishes in their enclosure. This helps them know where they belong. You can teach your bearded dragon to accept a human as a friend by purchasing a small plastic or wooden dragon plush toy and placing it near him or her.

Believe it or not, bearded dragon pets can be a good fit for the children in your home. This is especially true if you allow them to handle and play with the dragon as they grow. Children tend to feel a connection to these animals and their personalities just make them more enjoyable to play with. When you take them outdoors they can run and play with your pet. Children also love to use their imaginations when it comes to decorating their dragon pet’s enclosure. Many bearded dragon pets come decorated with feathered accents.

If you are looking for ways to make your bearded dragon’s environment safer for him or her, you may wish to consider buying a dragon enclosure with Reptile Bulb. These enclosures can be purchased pre-made or you can construct one on your own. Bearded dragon pets do much better in their homes that are filled with their natural habitat and things that remind them of home. Providing them with items that remind them of the land of their ancestors is a great way to help protect them from threats. You should keep in mind that young children should not be allowed to handle or play with any of your pet’s accessories unless they are wearing a protective headband.

The bearded dragon does require a lot of care to stay healthy and happy. You must have a good supply of fresh drinking water available at all times. You will also need to provide your pet with a dark room where they can sleep undisturbed. These dragon pets are very active at night so you must get them into a special sleeping area at night that they can comfortably sleep in. Providing a warm place for your child to sleep will help make them more relaxed about sleeping in a dragon bed.
